Breakers Dictionary

AIRPLANES  Hey, this is one of the games little boys use to play with shirts on they back and heads when they were little, now you just lay on your back and spread your arms wide as you can go, this is also a martial art fighting technique. 
AIRSWIPES   You start with both hands and feet on the ground, facing upwards. Then you kick your legs up with your weight on one arm and spin over so that you land on your other arm before your legs land. If done correctly you should be able to spin your body completely around in a full rotation. 
APPLE JACKS A basic move to challenge another b-boy to battle. You squat on both legs, then fall backward onto your hands and kick one leg into the air, as high as possible, then you spring back onto both legs, and repeat. 
BACK SPINS   A spin performed high on the back. All weight is balanced on the upper back, legs tucked close to the body; Spin is initiated through a circular swinging of the legs a kick position in the direction of the spin.  
BACK SWIPES   Very similar to an air swipe, expect when your legs are in the half way through; you change directions and return back to the start up position.  
BARRELS   Windmills with arms landing in front of you, arms must be strong enough to hold your body weight, do not try this move without assistance to teach you the proper methods to take.  
BARREL TURNS   Turning counter clockwise with both legs at about a 90-degree angle in second position. Your arms are used to help lift you off the ground while turning, like if you were jumping over a Barrel.  
BATTLE   A challenge between an individual or group of bboyz / bgirlz in the form of dance.  
B-BOY   Bronx Boy, boogie boy, as in one who dances to the break.  
BELLYMILL   Like a windmill but instead of turning around on your hands or head you turn over on your stomach.  
BHUDDA   Similar to UFO move, except your knees are inside of arms which are kept straight, and legs are kept off of the ground.  
BITE   Stealing or taking someone else's moves or style that is not cool! Get your own SH#$!.  
BOOMERANG   You start sitting on the ground, with your legs out in front of you in a V position. Then you stick your hand between your legs and lift yourself up, to where only your hands are touching the ground. Then turn around in circles.  
BOSTON CRAB   This is the same as a crab but with legs spread as much as you can and be comfortable and your body is more upright.  
BRONCO   This is life a wild bull, kicking your ass… you start on your feet. Then you fall to your hand only. Then kick your feet back and land on your feet again, then repeat all steps.  
BROOKLYN ROCK   (Battle Rock, UpRock)-Dancing with a variety of fighting movements. Consist of punching, throwing kicks etc. (Capoiera, martial arts, kick boxing) Usually used up against someone you battle.  
BUNNY HOP   Kind of like a flare except your legs are kept straight up, spread apart in front of you. Then you hop up and down turning in a circle.  
BURNED Somebody dissed you on the dance floor and everybody witnessed it! You are done for the night tuck your head and bounce!  
CAPOEIRA   A fight Dance technique created in Brazil for battling where they combine martial arts and acrobatics.  
CANNON BALL   You must have strong back for this joint! Done in a cannonball position with arms wrapped around the knees.  
COMBINATION   A combination is when two or more moves are executed right after each other like in a dance routine.  
CRAB LEGS   Your bent over in a hike football position and your arms are tucked under your knees lifting your legs with your arms and walking fast like a crab.   
Crazy Legs   Same thing as air swipes except more than one. You do air swipes over and over without pausing in between.  
CREW   A group of b-boys or b-gyrls that dance together and battle other crews.  
CRICKETS  A spin performed almost identical to handle glide, except weight is temporarily transferred to pushing hand, while spinning hand lifts off floor, rotated, and replaced on floor. If done well, looks like continuous spinning motion.  
DOUBLE 99   The same thing as a 2,000 (one hand 99), but when your about to fall off your one hand, switch hands, kick your legs to gain speed and continue to do a 2,000 (one hand 99), on each hand over and over without coming down.  
DOWNROCK  A rhythmic freestyle of legs and feet in a continuous side to side movement and your hands carry a lot of the weight. U can combine these moves with freezes or hesitations or just a full out freestyle in a battling session.  
EGGBEATERS   Just like you beaten an egg you whip it GOOD! It is simple just a regular windmills but you add hands and a little more on the hips they rise a lot more of the ground.  
ELBOW GLIDE  Similar motions and positioning as doing a hand spin except you will be adding you elbow and spinning on that so don't keep it ashy!!! 
FIST GLIDE   Now those of that have taken martial arts can feel this move those that haven't will be saying HELL NO! But for those dare devils it is the same motion and position as hand spin except spinning on your fist.  
FLARE   Like a windmill in that your legs move around in big circles in the air, but instead of moving on your shoulders, you put your weight on hands.  
FLOAT   It is a freeze position, what you do is balance on your hands with your body in a horizontal position except for your legs that are usually bent to help balance and add style to your dis.  
FOOTWORKS   You add your own style to the battle sort of with a combination of basic moves martial arts, housing and freestyle.  
FRONT FLIP You flip forward and land directly on both feet in front of your opponent and also while lading in your box, doing this move you show discipline, technique and strength.  
GENIES   Do a basic windmill then take your arms out and cross them over your chest for momentum and support.  
GO DOWN  Yo, you don't want to get to this point that you feel you have to go down it means either you are tired out of moves or getting ready to get dissed hard and you need to get off the dance floor!  
HALO  This is a crazy move that a lot of B-boyz do; it is a fast windmill that takes you up into a headspin.  
HANDCUFFS   Another move you start out with a basic windmill, but instead of open arms you place them behind your back locked like you have on handcuffs.  
HAND GLIDE   You are in a float position, now with only one hand supporting you. The other hand pushes you so that you gain momentum to spin around.  
HEADSLIDE   You can do this in a hand stand position except you're on your head pushing yourself forward sliding on your head sort of like you are mopping or sweeping the floor, this move is considered to be a big dis move.  
HEADSPIN   Now time to get a head rush and or a headache you start out in a upside down balled up position to give yourself the balance you need to support your neck and back then you using your arms and legs for balance and momentum while spinning on your head.  
HELICOPTER   You're in a squat or frog like position with one leg out to the side. Both of your hands are in front of you for support and strength. You swing that one leg around your body-moving counter clockwise while the OTHER leg is hopping over the stretched out leg.  
HESITATIONS (FREEZE)   A diss move, You are saying I got dis…OR I am tried and I need to add some pauses in here to take a breath as well as calculate my next move! U stop, like you are taking a picture and you need to look fly! This is generally done at the beginning, end or during a battle or dance.  

HOLLOWBACK  Hey you must be mad flexible and have great back strength to pull this off even for a hot minute that move is complex yo…It starts with a basic handstand then you bend your legs and with your legs bent toward your back you freeze in mid air for a few seconds.  
KICK-UP  This is a martial arts move for those Bruce Lee fans or even Jet Li or Jackie Chan fans hey or even Wesley Snipes this move is a very popular get up move. You are rising from flat on your back on your feet by rocking backward and kicking your feet in the air. Your upper strength along with abs and back muscles help your body flow and you land on your feet.  
LOCKING  This is more of an even flow, this dance allows you be more daring in your freestyles, by adding hand roll techniques, along with timed moves, kicks, knee drops, spins, box steps, back and forth movements, sky kicks, splits etc. the list goes on and on..  
MUNCHMILLS Now I think this is the same thing as a windmill except you keep your legs all the way crossed and folded but everything else is pretty much the same thing.  
KNEE SPIN   Hey you can get dizzy from this move…but if you got skillz you won't! It is spinning on one knee while the other leg is straight out or bent or tucked in. You push off with your hands for speed and balance.  
NECKMOVE   Man, you gotta have skillz to know exactly when to isolate this move….it is just one simple move all you do is add one turn while doing your windmill.  
NUTCRACKERS   Now this a dis move while doing a windmill you add hands and cover your crotch area. Like you sayin'…WHAT! Yu don't want none of this…  
PERFECTIONS   A bboys or bgyrls tightest, phattest, hottest move that will get you street victory or clearing the dance floor and winning you the battle.  
POPPIN Moving your body to the "TICK" of a clock. Arms, legs, head, chest, rib cage, etc. All of these moves in a controlled tick style as if the sound of your heart beat is moving your body. Like a volt of electricity has moved from your head to your toes, to your toes to your head.  
ROUTINES   Any dance style choreographed to music and counts and or beat changes to make synchronized steps as a group, team or solo dancer.  
RUBBER BAND  Once again a martial art move done repeatedly to the beat or to dis the competitor while showing your strength and discipline. It is a kick-up, then you fall on your back and kick-up again, and again and again until you are tired or ready to add something else.  
SCRAMBLE   More floor work similar to the UpRock, freestyles and Just like the downrock as well.  
SLIDES   Sliding from side to side, front to back or any direction repeatedly. A slide is a very "smooth" move like if you were on roller skates or roller blades.  
SPIDER   Your thighs are sitting on your shoulders with your calves in front. Your arms are supporting all the weight and balance. You can also use your feet for support and to walk across the floor.  
STREET DANCER   A dancer from the streets. Meaning a freestyle dancer, break, boogie, funk, house. True street dancers are blessed with a GOD given talent. Street dancers don't need dance class to practice or learn it is natural. They do not need counts to isolate timing and PHAT MOVES.    
SUICIDE   When a breaker does a front flip and lands flat on their back w/ out hurting themselves. This comes with timing and practice on a mattress or mat at first.  
SUMOS   Windmills holding your knees in place and tucking your body in fetal position while spinning.  
SUPERMANS   Windmills on your chest and your arms are putting your arms out as if you are going to fly away like superman.  
SWIRLS Pushing off like a spinning bottle top but you use your opposite hand for speed and put all weight on your forearm not your hand.  
T-FLARE   A regular flare but your legs are closed and they do not open you have to use speed to get the momentum.  
TOMBSTONES   Another freeze but this time you position your body like the letter "L" and you do not use your hands.  
TOPROCK   It is a battle move used for starting a battle circle or getting your competitions attention by moving up and down in a 1,2,3 motion. This move is a basic breakers step and signature move.  
TURTLE   Shifting your weight on each arm while spinning your body in a turtle position completely around without body weight.  
 TWO LEGGED APPLEJACKS You use your hands in a handstand position when you hit the ground then you with BOTH legs kicking up not just one.  
UFO  You use no arms for this move and you tuck them at your sides in. Your arms are straight out and your knees are on the outside of your arms. Your legs are still not touching the ground.  
UPROCK You rock your body like a rocking chair back and forth while moving up and down in a battling position. Some people touch the opponents head as in a dis.  
WACK OR WACKED  You messed the move up it was garbage, you are an amateur on the dance floor, or you have wack moves. Or could be used as a dis in a conversation. "Man, she is WACK!".  
WINDMILL   Now I know we have all seen windmills in school or some of us live on a farm, well anyway that is the way your body move! GET IT? You spin shifting shoulders with your legs opened like a "V" so when you spin around and around you look like a windmill. GET IT NOW! DUH!   
WORM  Your flat on the ground on your stomach and you push off with your legs or arms to wave your body forward or back like a worm.  

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